Marr PlaceOtego, Otsego County, New York
Marr Memo/Willard H. Alger/, Clergyman, Melven lived in Otsego, New York and Laurel lived in Sidney, New York , at time of marriage; first marriage for both of them., , His Father's Name Sherman Chestney born America, His Mother's Maiden Name Elizabeth B. Wilson born America, , Attendants: Charles W. Chestney & Bertha A. Clark, , Per Verified Transcript from the Register of Marriages, Town of , Sidney, County of Delaware, State of New York, per Nancy N. Norton, , October 26, 1998, Town Clerk, , Transcript on file, Registered Number #148 - District 1265, , , Filing Date, , Chestney Melven L. 02/27/1912 Laurel B. Ferguson