NameTryphena Moore 155, F
Birth Date1739
FatherGideon Moore , M (~1710-)
MotherAnna Griswold , F (1716-)
Misc. Notes
Allegedly of Scotch descent, woman of much refinement and culture -
per "History of the Bemis Family," by Col. Thomas Draper.
Birth Dateabt 1738
Birth PlaceAshford, Connecticut
Death DateABT 1787?
MotherLynda Thomas , F
Marr Date1760
Marr PlacePittstown, Renssalaer County, New York
ChildrenJotham , M (~1760-)
 William , M (1762-1830)
 John , M (1763-1829)
 Sallie (Sarah) , F (1768-1865)
Last Modified 22 Oct 2000Created 5 Jul 2012 using Reunion for Macintosh