Birth Date23 Jun 1848
Birth PlaceWashington County, Kentucky
Death Date23 Apr 1936 Age: 87
Death PlaceSpringfield, Washington County, Kentucky
Death MemoAt home of her daughter, Mrs. William Jefferson Smith. TMF, 2nd, p. , 1675 951a., , County: Washington, Vot. Pct. No. 10, Inc. Town Springfield, City Springfield, Ky, , Registration District No. 1428, Primary Registration District No. 7778, , File No. 12391, Registered No. 1134, , Full Name: Alice Edelen Mudd, , F White Widowed, Date of Birth June 23, 1848, wife of W.C. Mudd, Age 87 yrs 10 months, , Occupation , Trade Profession or particular kind of work Housekeeper, Nature of Industry None [so it appears], , Birthplace Washington County, Father James Edelen, Birthplace of Father Washington Co, Maiden Name of Mother Rose Ann Cambron, Birthplace of Mother Washington Co, , Informant Cora Mudd Smith Address Springfield, Ky, , Burial Springfield April 26, 1936, Undertaker George J[?] Edelen, Springfield, Ky, , Filed May 25, 1929 [not readable], , Date of death 1936, , I hereby certify that I attended deceased from March 20, 1936 to , April 23, 1936 that I last saw her alive on April
Death Date23 Apr 1936 Age: 87
Death PlaceSpringfield, Washington County, Kentucky
Death MemoAt home of her daughter, Mrs. William Jefferson Smith. TMF, 2nd, , p. , 1675 951a., , County: Washington, Vot. Pct. No. 10, Inc, . Town Springfield, City Springfield, Ky, , Registration Distric, t No. 1428, Primary Registration District No. 7778, , File No. 1, 2391, Registered No. 1134, , Full Name: Alice Edelen Mudd, , F W, hite Widowed, Date of Birth June 23, 1848, wife of W.C. Mudd, Ag, e 87 yrs 10 months, , Occupation , Trade Profession or particula, r ki
Burial Date26 Apr 1936
Burial PlaceSt. Dominic's Cemetery, Springfield, Kentucky
Burial MemoObituary suggests Saturday, 29 April 1936