NameSamuel Phelps 42, M
Birth Date5 Aug 1621
Birth PlaceCrewkerne, Somersetshire, England
Death Date15 May 1669 Age: 47
Death PlaceWindsor, Hartford County, Connecticut
Death MemoPer - not verified
Misc. Notes
birthdate, birthplace, christening 5 Aug 1621, death all are Per - not verified
Per - other children Abigail, Samuel, Timothy,
Mary, William, John and Ephraim - not verified
Check for:
* 'Search for the Passengers of the Mary & John' by Burton Spear
* 'Phelps Family of America & Their English Ancestors' by Olier
Seymour Phelps (1899)
* 'Mary & John' by Maude Pinney Kuhns (1971)
* 'Early Records of & Pertaining to the town of Windsor,Ct (1639-
1703)' (Matthew Grant Record) by Hartford Historical Society
* 'Early Ct. Probate Records 1663-1677' by Charles Manwaring (1902)
* 'Richardson & Ellsworth' by Ruth Ellsworth Richardson (1974)
* 'Genealogical Dictionary of America' by James Savage (1969)
* 'Holcomb(e) Genealogy' by Jesse Seaver (1925)
* 'TAG 65:160-166' (1990)
Birth Date1628
Birth PlaceKenilworth, Warwickshire, England
Death Date6 Nov 1715 Age: 87
Death PlaceWindsor, Hartford County, Connecticut
Marr Date10 Nov 1650
Marr PlaceWindsor, Hartford County, Connecticut
Marr MemoPlace assumed from facts given re arrival in Windsor, cite for Sarah , Phelps birth, and time
ChildrenSarah , F (1653-1732)