NameJohn Mudd , M
Birth Dateca 1611
Misc. Notes
Extracted birth or christening record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
P012621 1539 - 1709 0599889 Film 0472572 Film
P012621 1539 - 1709 0991948 IT 7, 12 Film NONE
Sheet: 00
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number: 184785
Page Number:
Reference number: