NameHannah Mudd , F
Birth Dateca 1693
Bapt Date14 Sep 1693 Age: <1
Bapt PlaceWest Tanfield, Yorkshire, England
FatherHenry Mudd , M (<1675-)
MotherAnn Hannas , F
Misc. Notes
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number:  537749    
Page Number:     
Reference number:     


Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.:  Dates:  Source Call No.:  Type:  Printout Call No.:  Type: 
C059232  1637 - 1742  0207591   Film  6910074   Film 
Sheet: 00
Last Modified 29 Nov 2003Created 5 Jul 2012 using Reunion for Macintosh