
A Aget, Alderson, Aldus, Amina, Amundsdotter, Andersdatter, Andersdotter, Andrews, Andrus, Arderne, Armstrong, Ashbourne, Asser, Astley, Astone, Aylet
B Babcock, Babcock BADCOCK, Backman, Bacon, Baird, Balch, Ballard, Banton, Barber, Bard, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barteau, Bartlett, Barto, Bartoo, Bartow, Baxter, Beard, Beaven, Beck, Beedle, Beers, Bemis, Bemus, Benedict, Bennett, Benson, Bergquist, Berkau, Bickham, Bigelow, Binson, Blackaby, Blake, Blandford, Bliss, Blore, Bloys, Boarman, Bogumil, Bohlin, Bohlman, Bolton, Bonde, Booth, Boreman, Bosse, Bourman, Bowerman, Boynes, Bradt, Bratt, Bratton, Brent, Brewster, Bridgham, BRIDGIN, Briggs, Brixton, Broadley, Brome, Brooke, Brooker, Brooks, Brookshaw, Brounkard, Brown, Brozik, Buckett, Bullasch, Bumpus, Burgoyne, Burn, Burroughs
C Cambron, Camp, Carrico, Carricoe, Carvanell, Cassidy, Cavendish, Caygill, Chabanik, Chervenck, Chesney, Chestney, Christiansen, Cissell, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clement, Clements, Clerk, Cline, Clitherow, Cobb, Cockayne, Cockshoot, Codd, Cogan, Coit, Cokayne, Cole, Coles, Colton, Conaro, Conklin, Conrow, Cooper, Cooper?, Coote, Craddock, Crammer, Crandall, Crathorne, Crawford, Craycroft, Crofts, Crowther, Curtis
D DAbridgecourt, Danzare, Darling, Darrill, Davies, Davis, Dean, Dearborn, Delahay, Denton, Derby, Derson, Despencer, Dethick, DeVos, Deyville, Dickinson, Dillehay, Dorrington, Dorsch Dors, Drake, Dugdale, Dunbar, Durham
E E., Edelen, Edlyn, Ednesoure, Eenies, Efner, Eld, Elder, Eriksson, Ewen, Eyre
F Farthing, Fawne, Fayerweather, Fearnes, Ferguson, Ferne, Ferns, Filiatreau, Finch, Fitch, Fitches, Fitz-Adeline, Fitzherbert, Fogge, Folger, Ford, Francis, Frederick North, Freer, French
G Gaillard, Gale, Gardenor, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardynyr, Garnes, Garret, Gates, Gaylord, Gell, Gerard, Gerston, Gifford, Gilbert, Gill, Gipps, GOLDSMITH, Gorsuch Eccleston, Gould, Green, Gregory, Gridley, Griffin, Grigg, Grindley, Griswold, Grummet, Gyles
H Hagan, Halswell, Hame, Hammond, Hancock, Hannas, Hansdatter, Hansdotter, Hanse, Hanslick, Harbin, Harding, Harpur, Harrison, Hatton, Hayes, Head, Hedlund, Henderson, Herhull, Herlan, Herthull, Hewett, Hewin, Hickling, Hicks, Hileman, Hill, Hollingshead, Holmes, Hooghte, Hoskins, Hotaling, Howell, Hudson, Hull, Hunstan, Hunt, Hunt Tinkham, Hunter, Hurt, Hutton, Hyatt
I Ireland
J Jacob, Jacobsdotter, Jameson, Janes, Janisch, Janse, Jarboe, Jenkins, Johannesdotter, John, Johnson, Jones
K Kampcik, Kardwell, Kerstan, Ketcham, King, Knill, Knowles, Kristensen
L Lange, Large, Lauter, Law, Leah, Leaworthy, Lee, Leffingwell, Legh, Legh Leigh, Leigh?, Lindon, Lineston, Linle
" "Lloyd)
L Long, Longe, Lowe, Lucas, Luce, Ludlow, Luslick, Lytle
M Mahatt, Mainwaring, Mallin, Manor, Marsh, Martense, MARTIN, Masone, Mathews, Matthews, Mattice, Mattisdotter, Maxwell, Mayer, McChesney, McMolly, McNutt, Meakins, Medley, Memprisse, Merwin, Michell, Middleton, Miles, Mill, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, More, Mork, Morse, Mud, Mudd, Mullican, Mulligan, Murphy, Mylton
N Nally, Neale, Neave, Newcomen, Newton, Nickols, Norman, Normandie, North, Northam
O OBryan, ODaniel, Offley, Ogle, Olmstead, Onslow, Otten, Owings, Ozbourn
P Paca, Paget, Pahlson, Pannawell, Parking, Parsons, Pauley, Paulsen, Paulson, Payk, Peach, Pesinge, Phelps, Pierce, Pierpont, Pike, Pile, Pilkington, Platt, Plewes, Plum, Pollinge, Pope, Porter, Post, Poulsen, Powel, Pratt, Proper, Pryke, Putmin, Pye
Q Queen
R Raines, Ramesbury, Randall, Raper, Raymond, Reede, Reeves, Relsey, Retherden, Richards, Richmond, Rifenburg, Robella, Robinson, Roderey, Roe, Rokitta, Rose, Rosochatzki, Rossel Russell, Roucle, Rudland, Ruffles, Russell, Ryan
S Sabile, Sacheverell, Sacheville, Sackville, Sanders, Sandford, Savage, Sawyer, Schaick, Scott, Seeley, Sellie, Sention, Shanahan, Shanks, Sharp, Shaver, Shaw, Sherman, Sherwood, Simpson, Skelton, Skidmore, Slater, Slye, Smith, Smyth, Snow, Somer Sommers, Soohey, Soule, Spalding, Sperry, Spoor, Staples, Steagold, Stepkin, Stiles, Stjern, Stonestreet, Strelley, Stribling, Strothers, Suchy, Svedlund, Syme
T T., Tailer, Tallman, Tanner, Tanskin, Tattershall, Taylor, Teevan, Terriman, Thomas, Thompson, Thwaites, Tiffany, Tilsley, Tinker, TIPPETT, Todd, Tomson, Tonbridge, Tooker, Topping, Townend, Towse, Tremayle, Tryactinia, Tucker, Tudor, Turner, Tuyle
V VanEps, Vernon, Viccarie, Vivat, Vivat Beck, Vraken
W Wade, Wadsworth, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warburton, Ward, Waters, Wathen, Wathen Jr., Watson, Waughop, Weire, Welha., Wenczek, West, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wieczorek, Wight, Wilcox, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winn, Winnie, Witchie, Withers, Wivatt, Wood, Woodherd, Woodland, Woodward, Worsley, Wright, Wynter
Y Yates, YEEDON, Yelverton, Yerga, Younge
Z Zbela, Zeh, Zengel, Zouch

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Created 5 Sep 2005 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.
© Copyright 2004-2008 Charles Lee Mudd Jr. Supported in part by Law Offices of Charles Lee Mudd Jr. (


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