NamePeter Carricoe , M
Birth DateBET ABT 1652 AND 1675
Birth PlaceNormandy, France
Misc. Notes
"He emigrated between 1668-1674, presumably from Normandy, France
(per Lynn Deitz, a Carrico researcher). Other sources say the family
came from Italy, Portugal and other Latin countries. In 1673 he
received land for bring more than twelve (12) people to the Colonies.
On June 15, 1674 he recieved another grant for bringing more than
fifteen (15) people to the Colonies."

-- Carrico File 3

Carrico(e) sources:

(1) Gayle Ellingsworth <>

1. Robert W Barnes, "Charles County Depositions: From Charles County
Records," Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin Vol. 3334
(19921993): Vol 33
fall 1992 #4 p. 699. Carricoe, James age 70, 28 Sep 1763, stated his
father was
Peter Carricoe, Charles County Land Records p#3, 59:614.. Hereinafter
cited as
"MD Charles Co Depositions".
2. Mrs Russell (Carrico) Kaiser Sr., "The Carrico Family," Florissant
Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 14 April 1972 #1: These traditions
have been
handed down through the family "The first record found in Maryland
transportation of one Peter Currico to Maryland 1657. This Peter,
possibly the
father of the others, may have obtained a land grant in Charles Co.,
and then returned to France for his family. The second trip was made
in their
own ship called "La Voyage". It was manned by a group of brothers,
among them
were a pair of twins Peter & Paul, believed to have been the oldest
and a
sister Jane. They began a settlement in Charles Co. at Bryantown,
Then they decided to return to France to sell all property there,
stock and seeds and equipment and furnishings, also to bring members
of the
family who had remained at home in France. Peter had married and
begun a
family, so he was left behind to take care ofthe new settlement.
Possibly some
of the other brothes left wifes and family in charge of Peter. The
ship was
loaded and they set sail again from a port in France (it is claimed
that they
lived in France near the Spanish border, maybe port of Bordeau, on
the North or
Marsailles on the South). They did not make it to Maryland. Were
and lost at sea in a storm, or were captured and killed by pirates.
Only Peter
and his family & possibly a wife & family of one or so of the
brothers remained
form whom the Carrico family descends in the United States. Peter had
two sons
Peter and Abel, from whom we can tract most of the Carricos, but a
few who we
can not connect, leading to the beliefe that another brother may have
left a
wife & children. In France the name may have been Carriceau, or if
they lived
near Spain, Basques accounting for the Spanish spelling Carrico.
Tradition also
says that a serious rift between the brothers Peter & Abel due to
They were originally a Catholic family and Peter & most of his
descendents at
least for the first few generations remaind Catholic. Abel married
Sims, a Huguenot, and moved with them to Fairfax Co., Virginia, where
family was raised Protestantca. Hereinafter cited as "Carrico
3. unknown compiler, compiler, "Research Notes"; Charles County
Maryland Court
Records 17741778 An Every NameName Indexget microfilms from MD State
#CR 34,669 for X No 3 p. 1101 & film #CR 34,670 for rest of X No 3
Barto., 648 ; Baston, 639; Jamees, 648; James of James 642; James of
Jas, 188;
James of John 639; James of Peter 639; James of Thomas 642; James s/o
142; James Sr. 639, 641; Joseph 639, 649; Peter 631, 646; William
639. John
CAEH m. to Chloe Callicoe Feb 8, 1782, by Rev John Bolton, Catholic
Co., MD [Marriages of Charles County Maryland: MD & DE Genealogist]
Carrico m. Mary Hardesty dau of James Madison & Mary El;izabeth
HARDESTY from St. Mary's Chronicle Vol. 10 #8, Ancestral File unknown
repository, unknown repository address.
4. Carol Ruth Gehrs, Charles County Maryland Administrartion Accounts
(No place: no publisher, no date), p. 28/ 351. 352. Patrick Carrick
acct of Patrick "Carrick admr 17 May 1729. James Carrick deceased
account of
Mary Currick admx 17 May 1729..
5. unknown author, Calendar of maryland State papers No 1 The Black
Books (No
place: Maryland Hall of Records Commission, no date), p. 5. 1706/7;
50, III,
234 & 51 III, 235: Mary Anderson, Prince George's Co. Dep. relating
Elizabeth Wallis. One Tue morning Elizabeth Wallis was taken with
fits which
caused her to bite her tongue, Thursday noon, Sarah Joslin and the
found a child in her bed, black and purtified; Mrs [Ann] Burnham came
and saw
it. Elizabeth contnued ill till fthe following Tue she was bloated in
her face
and seollen in her hands and letgs, she had taken some sort of drink
from Peter CALICO. D. See 36, 49, 51.
Ann Burnham Prince Georges Coi. ..... she had taken several
decoctions of herbs
from Peter CALICO..
6. T.L.C. Genealogy, St. Mary's County, Maryland Administrative
16741720 (P.O.Box 403369, Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1994),
none. Hereinafter cited as MD St. Mary's Adm 167420.
7. unknown author, Charles County Maryland Wills Administration
Inventories and Orphan Court Proceedings 17771780 (P.O.Box 403369,
Miami Beach,
FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1995), p. 108/246. William Poston's
final acct.
3 Nov 1778. exex Priscilla Poston. Debts. ... tobacco rec of Ignatius
8. unknown author, Abstracts of Land Records Anne Arundel County,
16991709 (PO Box 221 Pasadana MD 21122: The Anne Arundel
Genealogical Society,
no date), Quick Claim. p. 52. Edward Dorsey states that Capt
Cornelius Howard
late of AA Co dec'd. purchased a tract from William Parrott in Talbot
Co. 1/2
belonging to Edward Dorsey sold to John Edmondson of Talbot Co.17 Dec
Wit. David Cakaw, John Twell, Mary Dorsey.
9. Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of Maryland 16791700 (No place: no
no date), None under C or K.
10. Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of Maryland 17311750 (1001 N
Calvert St.,
Baltimore, MD 21202: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996), none
under C or
11. Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of Maryland 17011730 (1001 N
Calvert St.,
Baltimore, MD 21202: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996), none
under c or
12. Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of Maryland 17511765 (1001 N
Calvert St.,
Baltimore, MD 21202: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996), none
under c or
13. T.L.C. Genealogy, St. Mary's County Marland Rent Rolls 16391771
(P O Box
403369. Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1993), none.
cited as MD St Mary's Co Rent 16931771.
14. Harry Wright Newman, Charles County Gentry (Baltimore:
Publishing Co., Inc., 1971), Dent Family: p. 98/99. Levi Dent (18
1842) son of
John Brewer and Priscilla Dent b. Trinity Parish Chrles Co., MD.
Pamelia ?. Children: 1: anna E Dent married ____ Carrico; 2: Robert M
Dent; 3.
Verlinda Dent married ____ Hatton; 4. Frederick L Dent married Lydia
DENT. 5.
Walter B. Dent.
1850 census widow Pamela Dent dau Anne E age 15: Will Pamelia A Dent
Apr 18
1872 proved Charles Co. MD 19 May 1874 by Thomas Carico, Francis L
Higdon &
Joseph R Harrison. She devised her daughter Anna E Carico the farm
lying in
Gilbert Swamp then occupied by the testatrix's son Robert M Dent
200a.... She
mentioned grand son George T Carico. exer. Dr. Thomas H. Carico..
15. Tim Carrico Weaver, "Carrico Family," email message from to Carol R Mitchell, 1998, CARRICO GENEALOGICAL
W. Timothy
Carrico Weaver April 3, 1997. With the wonderful help of Celia Silva
Brito, a
student at the University of Coimbra, I was able to research four
sources of
genealogical data while in Portugal: The Inquisition records of the
Torre do
Tombo (National Archive) in Lisbon; the Book of Council Meetings,
lists of
hunting privileges, 1443, of MontemoroNovo at the Municipal Library
MontemoroNovo; Baptismal, marriage and death records, 15331698, of
MontemoroNovo located at the Municipal Archive of Evora; the Tax
lists of
MontemoroNovo, 16991700, located at the Municipal Library of
The director of the Municipal Library of MontemoroNovo, Dr Jorge
Fonseca, a
delightful man, was most helpful in locating the records mentioned. I
discovered that Pero (Peter) Dias Carrico of MontemoroNovo was
condemned a Jew
by the Inquisition. He was charged with the crime of "Judaismo"
(Judaism) and
sent to prison for four years in 1629. In 1633 he confessed his
crime and was
set free ("auto de fe"). His grandfather was also named Pero Dias
Carrico. In
the same town, MontemoroNovo (new), the ancient council meeting
records of 1443
list a Lourenco Anes Carrico and Martin Lourenco Carrico. The
Carrico family
originally comes from the area of MontemoroVelho (old) in the Beira
(Central Coast) which is about 180 miles north of Lisbon and about 20
from Coimbra. The family has its own coat of arms consisting of
three marsh
plants, or carricos, on a silver crest. The coat of arms and its
were traditionally awarded by the Portuguese kings for service in
defeating the
Moors. It is well known that families from the Beira Litoral
resettled the
Alentejo after the defeat of the Moors. They migrated with the
armies of the
Christian Knight Geraldo Sempavor who captured Evora in 1165 in the
name of the
Portuguese king Henriques. Families from the vineyards of the Beira
established the Alentejo as a major area of wine production. The
also assured the monarch a population that would fight any reinvasion
of the
Moors for protection of their land. Incidentally, in the records we
researched, the name Pero was rare in the 16th and 17th centuries.
We found no
references to the name other than that of the two Pero Carricos. We
did not
find tax records of any Carrico in the 169899 tax list of the same
perhaps suggesting that the family may have fled following the trials
of Pero
The Word.
The translations below are a combination of my struggles with
Portuguese and
Celia's excellent translations. We did not have time to translate
before I left, so I plowed ahead. Blame me for any mistakes, not
Celia. The
word carrico is written in Portuguese with a cedillo under the second
thus, it is pronounced carreeso with the emphasis on the second
syllable (the
unaccented "I" is pronounced as a long "e" in Portuguese.) I did
find one
place named Carrico without the cedilla but did not have time to
explore it.
The word carrico, and its feminine version carrica, are found in
dictionaries. These sources are detailed below. From the Lello
Dicionary Enciclopedico LusoBrasileiro em 2 Volumes, Organizado e
Pela Livraria Lello & Irmao, sob a Direccao d Jose Lello e Edgar
Lello, Volume
Primeiro, 196 Porto Lello & Irmao Editores Rue Das Carmelitas, 144.
s.m. (lat.* cariciu. Planta da familia das ciperaceas. O mesmo que
carrica. T.
da Madeira. O mesmo que carrapico. T. de Viana. Especie de
canabrava ou
junco. Bras. Especie d canudo d taquara. ENCICL. Os carricos sao
ervas de
folhas serrihadas, que crescem ordinariamente nos lugares humidos.
quinhentas especie distribuidas por todo o globo. O carrico das
areias (Carex
arenaria), tem rizomas rastejantes muito desenvolvidos. mpregase,
por isso,
para fixar as dunas. As folhas constituem a crina vegetal.. (A kind
of leafy
grass of bamboo or cane.)
Carrica, s.f. Genero de passaros ntirrostros (Troglodytes europeus),
de cor
castanhoescura, que vivem nas sebes e moitas das regioes temparadas
Bras. O
mesmo que cambaxirra. ENCICL. As carricas sao lindas avezinhas,
vivas e ageis,
de bico curto e um pouco curvo asas mais compridas do que a cauda.
Sao uteis
auxilares da agricultura, por destrufrem larvas em grande quantidade.
bird of chestnut brown coloring with a long tail that eats large
quantities of
larva.) From the Dicionario da Lingua Portuguesa, oordenacao de Jose
Machado, Volume II, 1960. Carrico, s. m. Planta ciperacea // Especie
de junco
ou canabrava. // Individuo de cabelo encrespado. // O m. q. carrapico
// O m.
q. carrica, Especie de canudo de taquara // O m. q. cambaxirra //
pequeno que nasce deixa da cora das avores adultas. // Designacao de
especie de togo. (Plant of rush or cane; an individual with curly
straw of bamboo; little bird.) Carrica, s. f. Avezinha da familia
dentirrostros, que anda peolos valados e buracos Monte d erva. //
Abrigo para o
gado, o m. q. carrica Tufo de cabelo // O m.q. cambaxirra. (Person
tight curly hair, as a black person; mountain side of grass; tuft
of hair.)
>From the Dicionario Portugues Latino Por Francisco Torriuha, the
Latin versions
of carrico are carex, caricis, carrical and carectum. Latin vulg.
usage) is car[r]iceu. It seems that the name derives directly from
Latin, and
the Portuguese constructed their word much as the Romans. From the
Portugues/Ingles Dicisonarios Academicos, the word carrico is a
botanic term
referring to the specific cane, carex or car[r]iceu in vulg. Latin.
feminine carrica refers to the sedge wren. Carrical is a plantation.
Spanish word for carrico is carrio. Source. Dicionario De Espanhol
Portugues. Julio Marinez Almoyna, p. 134

19. Elise Greenup Jourdan, Abstracts of Charles County Maryland
Circuit Court &
Land Records 16941722; taken from microfilm of Proceedings of the
Circuit Court Records from the Archives of Maryland: 16941696 Q CR
1702/31707 Z#1 CR 35,694; 17061712 C#2 CR 35,694; 17101713 D#2 CR
17141716 F#2 CR 34,655; 17161722 H#2 CR 35,694; Court Cases are not
Frequently two names were used for the following landmarks:
Mattawoman or St
Thomas Creek, Chingamuxon or St. Michael's Creek, Nanjemy or Avon
Baker's Creek or Pope's Creek, Piscataway River/Potomac River (C#2
105): (Rear
63 East Main St., Westminister, MD 21157: Family Line Publications,
1994), 9
Mar 1707: Peter Kerricoe planter to Maj Walter Story Gent for 2,500
lbs tob
"Preston" bounded by John Dawson's "Star Cross" & Nathaniel
Brittory's "The
Wilderness" 60a /s/ Peter Carricoe Wit. thomas Crabb, Richd. Hodgson.
Hereinafter cited as MD Charles Co CtLand 169422.
20. unknown author, Looking Up The Family Tree, The Carrico Family.
(No place:
no publisher, no date).
21. Weaver, "Carrico Family," email to Carol R Mitchell, 1998, Lynn
Deitz sent
me regarding application for old age exemption from taxes. Her
document shows
Peter was considered "aged" in 1719.
22. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland, Land Records, 17221733
(PO Box
403369, Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1994), p.141.
Liber M#2,
p.288. The Mark of Gerrard Carrico of CC was recorded Jun 22, 1732..
23. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland, Land, p.122. Liber M#2,
p.220. At
the request of George Keech of CC, the following lease was recorded
this 11 Jun
1730. 8 Jun 1730 from Peter Carrico of CC, planter, to Abel Carrico
of CC
planter the lease of a part of a tract of land called Maidenstone, as
he has in
possession and has made improvements upon sd land, containing about
40a. This
lease starts next Nov 1, and runs for 21 years. Abel Carrico may not
have more
than 1 person besides his own family for a crop of corn of tobacco,
upon sd
land. Abel Carrico shall not waste timber. Abel Carrico shall build
what houses
he has occasion of during sd term, at his own cost. The yearly rend
is 500 lbs
of tobacco and cast. Signed Peter Carrico. Wit. Jno Briscoe & Jno
24. John B Lomax, Tax, 1998,
25. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland Land Records 17331743
(PO Box
403369, Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1993), p. 43:
BkO#2, p177:
Recorded 6 Dec 1736, 11 Nov 1736 from Marmaduke Simms of CC, Planter
to Abel
Carrico & Elizabeth his wife of CC planter for 500 lbs tobacco and 20
sterling and for divers other good causes, all that part of a tract
of land
called St. Georges, lying in CC, bounded John Biggs, containing and
laid out
for about 93 acres and 78 purches. Signed Marma (M his mark) Sims.
Wit. Robt
Yates, Henry Hawkins, Mary Simms wife of the sd Marmdaduke Simms,
released her
26. Marlene Strawser & Wright, F Edward Bates, Early Charles County
Settlers 16581745 (Rear 63 East Main St, Westminister, MD 21157:
Family Line
Publications, 1995), p. 48. "Carrico, Abel and his wife Elizabeth.
Deed datd 11
Nov 1736, from Marmaduke Simms and his wife Mary, part of a tract
called St.
George's, 93 acres. (Land: 0#2.177. Also see Land 0#2.375 recorded 4
1738).". Hereinafter cited as Chas Co. MD Settlers 16581745.
27. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland Land, p.73: p.375:
Recorded Dec 4.
1738. Nov 21 1738. from Abel Carrico of CC planter to Peter Wood of
CC planter
for 1400 lbs tobacco and 30 shillings and for divers other good
causes, all
that part of a tract of land called St Georges lying in CC and
bounded by one
of the lines of a pracel of land in the possession of John Biggs, a
parcel of
land now in possession of the said Peter Wood, containing and laid
out for 23
acres. Signed Abel (A his mark) Carico. Wit. Henry Hawkins, Thomas
Elizabeth wife of the said Abel Carrico released her dower..
28. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland, Rent Roll of 1753 (PO
Box 403369,
Miami Beach FL 331401369: TLC Genealogy, 1998), p. 52. "p. 66. St.
1180 acres Surveyed for Thomas Simpson at a bounded oak on the west
side the
Freshes of Piles' Run Patented May 1 1672. (1753) Poss(r) 93a John
Biggs, 70a
Abel Carrico, 110a Thomas Hurdman, 103a Hudson Wathen, 23a Peter
p. 787. Resurveyed into St. Thomas Simkin and Part of St. Georges
folio 93.
p. 103. Bennet Wathan from Francis Sims, Sep 19, 1767.".
29. T.L.C. Genealogy, Charles County, Maryland, Land Records,
17561761 (P O Box
403369, Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T L C Genealogy, 1996), p. 28, p.
Hereinafter cited as Charles Co., MD land 175661.
30. T.L.C. Genealogy, Charles Co., MD land 175661, p. 28, p. 169.
31. unknown author, Charles County Maryland Wills, p. 165. 1 Sep 1779
Mr Benja
Cawood Jr executor of late Mr Thomas Berry's will, for the money to
distributed amongst the poor, money distributed to ...... Abel (X
his mark)
Carrico 13 lbs 2 sh 6 pense; James (X his mark) Carrico 13 lbs 2 sh 6
32. Sue Dotson, "Carrico," email message from "Sue Dotson" to Carol R Mitchell, Jan 1999. Hereinafter
cited as
33. Bates, Chas Co. MD Settlers 16581745, p. 48. "Carico, Abel, son
of Abel and
Elisabeth Carico, born 21 Jan 1744. (Trinity: 107rev).".
34. unknown author, Looking Up Family Tree, Maryland Calendar of
Wills, Baldwin
Vol. II page 148. Will of Robert Gates..
35. unknown author, Looking Up Family Tree, Will of Peter Carrico
Wills Liber A D #5, Fol. 3201. 14 Arp Peter Carrico of Charles County
in Maryland. Wife Margaret, son John, Thomas Ignatius, James,
Bazzil. To wife Margaret `Maidstone' land until death then equally
among 4 sons John, Thomas Ignatius Bartholomew & Bazzil, & land
Hope' to wife until death then to son James. 14 Apr 1764. Peter
Carrico. Test
John Gates & John Armstrong..
36. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland, Land, p.122. LiberM#2
p.221. At
the request of George Keyth of CC the following lease was recorded 13
Jun 1730.
Mar 25 1730 from Peter Carrico of CC planter to George Keyth of CC
planter &
Elizabeth his wife, for consideratins already reserved and herafter
the lease of part of a parcel of land called Maidston, now in the
possessin of
sd Peter Carrico, situated on a branch of Piles Fresh bounded by a
tract of
land now in the possession of John Piggeon called New Bradford a
tract of land
in possession of Lawrence Lent called Canterbury containing 50a.
George Keyth
may cut down any timber or timber trees for the use of sd land (viz)
building, fencing, or tobacco hogshead, during term of 19 years, to
from Dec 10 last past, in consideration of which George Keyth has
paid Peter
Carrico 2000 lbs of tobacco. Signed Peter Carrico. Wit. Jno Briscoe,
37. Carol Ruth Gehrs, Charles County Maryland Administrartion, p. 44.
p 524.
John McKoy or John MacKoy deceased acct of Stephen Mankin
admiistrator. 18 Jan
1737. James Carroll & Peter Curuck of Charles Co Sure. Paid to Pat
38. Emmit O'Neal, Briscoe Notes (No place: no publisher, no date), p.
181 Peter
Carricoe pet. bounds of Maidstone, rejected he does not say he
39. __________, Charles Co., MD, Rent Roll 1753, p. 61 "p. 76.
Maidstone. 100
acres Surveyed Nov 8, 1673 for John HUNT at a vounded white oak, a
bounded tree
of "Venture". (1753) poss(r) 80 acres Peter CARRICOE, 20 acres
Joseph GATES.
40. __________, Charles Co., MD, Rent Roll 1753, p. 1278. "Addition
Maidstone" 115 acres surveyed [nothing follows] Poss(r): 115 Peter
This land is included in Maidstone, which is an elder survey
This land is not entered in the Revenue Office Books, G. Lee, Far (?)
41. __________, Charles Co., MD, Rent Roll 1753, p. 61 "p. 76.
Maidstone. p.
100. Samuel HANSON from Peter CARRICO Sr. Aug 18, 1764. p. 100. Peter
from John ROGERS, Oct 20, 1769. Deed Recovery Investing an estate in
42. T.L.C. Genealogy, Charles County, Maryland, Land Records,
(P.O. Box
403369, Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1996), Bk L#3,
p. 59. p.
467: Apr 6 1764 from Peter Carricoe (Carrico) Jr of CC planter to
Carricoe (Carrico) Sr of CC planter for 10,000 lbs of crop tobacco, a
tract of
land in CC called the Maid Stone, bounded by a bound tree of Thomas
Hunt's land
called Hunts Venture, the south side of the Fresh Run, a parcel of
land called
Canterbury, a boundeed white oak of Robert Gates, containing about
100 acres.
Signed Peter Carrico Jr Wit. Walter Hanson, Sam. Hanson, Recorded
Jun 2 1764.
Hereinafter cited as Charles Co., MD Land Rec 176165.
43. unknown author, Looking Up Family Tree, Will of Peter Carrico
Wills Liber A D #5, Fol. 3201.
In the Name of God, Amen, The 14th day of April 1 Peter Carrico of
County planter in the province of maryland being in health and of
sound &
perfect memory Thanks be to Almighty God for it and calling to
rememberance the
uncertain State of This Transitory lif and that all flesh must yield
unto Death
when it please God to Call do make constute Ordain & declare This my
Last Will
and Testament in manner & form following Revoking & Annulling by
these presents
all and every Testament and Testaments will and wills hertofore by
me made and
declared either by work or writing and this to be taken only for my
last will
and Testament & none other and first being penitent and sorry from
the Bottom
of my heart for my sins past most humbly Desiring forgivness for the
same I
give & Commit my Soul unto Almighty God my savior and Redeamer to
whome and by
the merits of Jesus Christ i trust and believe assuredly to be saved
and to
have Remission and forgiveness of all my sins and that my sole with
my body at
the general resurection shall rise again with joy and through the
merits of
Christs Death and passion pssess and inherit the kingdom of heaven
prepared for
his elect and Chosen and my body to be uried in such place and where
it shall
please my friends hereaft3r named to appoint my loving wife Margrit
my loving
son John my loving Thomas Ignatius, my loving son James, my Loving
Bartholomew, my loving son Bazzil Item I give and bequeath unto my
loving wife
Margit Carrico all that tract of Land Called Maidstone during her
natural life
and she is Dead to be equally divided among my four Sons that is to
say John
Thomas Igtnatius and Bartholomew and Bazzil Item I give and bequeath
to my
loving wife Margit a tract of Land Called Carricoes Hope during her
life and when she is dead to my loving son James. In Witness hereunto
have set
my hand & fixed my seal This 14 day of April in the year of our Lord
Peter Carrico (seal) Test: John (his mark) Gates, John (V his mark)
On the back of the foregoing will was endorsed the following probt to
Charles County tst 18 October 1765 came John Gates and made Oath on
the Holy
Evangelists of almighty God that he saw Peter Carrico the Testator
sign and
seal the within Will and heard him publish and Declare it to be his
last will
and testament, and that at the time of his so doing was to the best
of his
apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that he
together with
James Armstrong the other witness Severally Subscribed as witness so
the said
will in the presence of the testror & at his request. D. Jenifer D
44. T.L.C. Genealogy, Charles Co., MD Land Rec 176165, Book L#3, p76:
p. 580:
Aug 18, 1764 from Peter Carico (Carrico) Sr of CC planter, to Samuel
Hanson of
CC merchant for 10,170 lbs of crop tobacco, a tract of land in CC
called the
Maid Stone bounded by Thomas Hunt's land called Hunts Venture, thence
to a
parcel of land called Canterbury, a bounded white oak of Robert
containing about 100 acres. If however sd Peter Carico Sr pays sd
Hanson, the afd tobacco with legal interest from today, in three
payments, the first payment by May 21 1765, the second by May 21
1766, and the
third by May 21, 1767, then this deed to be void. Signed Peter
Carico. Wit.
Richd Harrison, Josias Hawkins, Margret, the wife of the sd Peter,
released her
right of dower. Recorded Jan 9 1765.
45. unknown compiler, compiler, "Charles County Maryland Probate
Inventories 17531779"; 55: Peter Carrico 31 Oct 1765 kin Ignatius
Carico ,
Margaret Carrico admx., Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown
46. __________, Charles Co., MD, Rent Roll 1753, p. 61 "p. 76.
...100. Peter CARRICO from John ROGERS, Oct 20, 1769. Deed Recovery
an estate in fee.".
47. V L Jr. Skinner, Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative
Court of
Maryland 171820 (No place: no publisher, no date), List of Debts for
in the inventories is a list of the debts due to the estate of
Phillip KEY. The
inventory was filed in St. Mary's Co. This list dated 9 Dec 1769
Liber 102
Folios 101114. ... Peter Carrico.....
48. T.L.C. Genealogy, Charles County, Maryland Land Records 17751782
(P O Box
403369. Miami Beach, FL 331401369: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1997), p. 88. p.
400. 9
Aug 1779. from Samuel Hanson of CC, to Richard Carnes of St. Mary's
for 8320
lbs part of a tract called jordan which sd Hanson on 9 Jun 1756
bought of John
Moore & Precilla, his wife, said to cantain 281 acres, 97 acres of
which land
sd Hanson afterwards sold to Smith Middleton so that the part of
Jordan now
sold to sd Carnes is computed to be about 184 acres, sd Hanson and
Carnes herby
agree to fix it to that quantity. Also herebyconveyed is part of a
tract of
land called Maidston, being part of that part of sd tract which sd
Hanson, on
Aug 18 1764 bought of Peter Carico (sd Hanson reserving to himself
the rents
that will arise or become due on sd parcels of land until next
Signed Sam Hanson. Wit. Robert Young, Joshua Sanders (CC JP's)
Recorded 1 Oct.
1779. Hereinafter cited as Charles Co., MD Land 177582.
49. unknown author, Looking Up Family Tree, Maryland Calendar of
Wills, Baldwin
Vol. II page 148. Will of Robert Gates. of St. Mary's County
Maryland, signed
February 5 1694, and probated June 6 1698 To wife Dorothy, Extx.,
100a "Gates
Hope", 60a "Gates Purchase", 170a "New Bradford", 20 acre part of
which was purchased of Thomas Hunt. Child: John & Robert equally &
heirs 2 lots
at Newport Town, 275a "St Michael's" , 200a "St. Mary's" , & 193a
Swamp". dau Catherine & heirs 200a pt. "Poppleton" nr. Patuxent R.,
Susannah and hrs. residue of "Branford", dau Ann & hrs 80a part of
son Joseph "Gate's Hope" & "Gates Purchase" also "New Branford" and
afsd at decease of mother, Priest of Roman Catholic Church
personalty. Test
Ric'd Edelen, Jas Connell, Jas Haggon. Note at foot of will dates of
birth of
child given as follows Catherine born 7 Jul 1676, Susanna 12 Oct
1678, John 19
Sep 1681, Robert 13 Feb 1686, Ann 23rd Jul 1690, Joseph 8 Dec 1693.
50. Barnes, "MD Charles Co Depositions", p. 699. CHLR #59: confirm
17661767. Margaret Carricoe age 52 stated she was the wife of Peter
Carrico on
28 Sep 1767, in Charles Co., MD..
51. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland Land, p.116:p435:
Recorded Mar 24
1741/2. Mar 29 1742 from Thomas Pulton of CC, Gentleman, to James
Carricoe of
CC planter, for divers good causes, the lease of a pracel of land in
CC bounded
by the line of Mr Pranham's land, the line of Mr John Pigion's
containing about
104 acres. To have and to hold to sd James Carricoe, Catherine
Carricoe, his
wife, and Sarah Carricoe his daughter. The anual rent is 700 lbs
tobacco. James
Carrico shall not, without special leave of Pulton, fell or dispose
of any
timber on sd land other than for the use of sd plantation, that is to
say, for
necessary fencing and for building and repairs or casking for tobacco
or cider
or other dirink made on sd lands, provided that Pulton may cut and
carry away
andy timber for his own use for building. If the lands are, at the
end of this
lease, exposed again to be leased as coppy held (copyholder) land,
then sd
James Carricoe shall have the refusal thereof, provided he shall be
content to
pay so much for ths same as any persons shall be willing to give.
Further, sd
James Carricoe shall not let any part of the lands to anyone without
consent of
Pulton. If Carricoe wants ot sell his interest in the land, Pulton
shall have
the refusal thereof. Lastly, sd James Carricoe shall give his
attendance and
due homage to Pulton if any disturbance should arise on sd lands or
tentants upon sd lands. Signed Thos Pulton, James (I his mark)
Carricoe. Wit.
Gustavus Brown & Robt Yates..
52. Bates, Chas Co. MD Settlers 16581745, p. 48. "Carricoe, James
Lease on 9 March 1742, of 104 acrs for lifetimes of sd James
Catherine Carrico his wife & Sharah Carricoe his dau. (Land:
53. unknown author, Charles County, Maryland, Court Records, 17741778
EveryName Index. Record Book X No 3 17741778. Microfilm #CR 34,669
for X #4
pages 1101 & film #CR 34,570 for the rest of X #3. March Ct 1775
pages 1209;
August Ct 1775 p. 336404; November Ct 1775 p.437485; March Ct 1776 p.
November Ct 1776 p. 522551; March Ct 1777 p. 554563; August Ct 1777
p. 566579 &
581601; November Ct 1777 p. 580 & 604612; March Ct. 1778 p.615686 of
which free
males over 18 p. 630640, people who took an oath of allegiance p.
August Ct 1778 p. 691767. (P. O. Box 403369, Miami Beach FL
331401369: T. L. C.
Genealogy [8008588558], 1995), p. 639 free males over 18 years.
Carol (Gehrs) Mitchell, 134 Schnauzer Lane, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
<> 724-847-4473 [using The Master Genealogist 3.5,
ChildrenAbel , ?
 Gerrard , M
 Jane , F
 James , M (1693-)
 Peter , M (1700-1765)
Last Modified 22 Oct 2000Created 5 Jul 2012 using Reunion for Macintosh