NamePeter Carrico 255,86, M
Birth Date1700
Death Date18 Oct 1765 Age: 65
Death PlaceBryantown Hundred, Charles County, Maryland
FatherPeter Carricoe , M (~1652-)
Misc. Notes
Earliest mention is in 1707 when Peter Carrico of Charles County,
Maryland executed a deed conveying some property to Walter Story (1)
C-2 Folio 83, Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland.

In 1730 Peter deeded to Abel a property in Charles County (2) Liber M-
2, c-20, Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland.

In 1764 Peter Sr. executed a deed to Peter Jr. (3) Liber L No. 3
Folio 500 Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland.


The earliest records seem to indicate that Peter and Abel were
brothers and they begin to appear in the early seventeen hundreds.
Peter deeded property to Walter Story in 1707 in Charles County,
Maryland. In 1730 Peter deeded to Abel a property in Charles County
and in 1764 Peter, Sr. deeded property ot Peter, Jr. Peter named one
of his sons Abel, and Abel named one of his sons Peter.

Peter, Sr. lived out his life in Bryantown Hundred, Charles Co.,
Maryland while Abel later moved from Charles Co., Maryland to Fairfax
County, Virginia. Peter seemed to be a rather well-to-do man of the
that time and owned quite a lot of land, some of which he leased to
other land owners in the area as evidenced by the following lease

1. Charles County, Maryland land records (1722-1733), page 122. Leber
M#2, page 221 show that the following lease was recorded on June
13,1730 at the request of Geeorge Keyth of Charles County. On March
25, 1730 from Peter Carrico of Charles County, planter, to George
Keyth planter and Elizabeth, his wife, for consideratins already
reserved and hereafter mentioned the lease part of a parcel of land
called Maidston, now in the possessin of sd Peter Carrico, situated
on a branch of Piles Fresh bounded by a tract of land now in the
possession of John Piggeon called New Bradford a tract of land in
possessionof Lawrence Lent called Canterbury containing 50aa. George
Keyth may cut down any timber or timber trees for the use of said
land (vis) for fuilding, fencing, or tabacco hogshead, during term of
19 years, to commence from Dec. 10, last past, in consideration of
which George Keyth has paid Peter Carrico 2000 lbs. of tobacco.
Signed: Peter Carrico Witnesses: Jno Briscoe, Jno Howard

2. Charles County, Maryland land records page 122 shows the recording
of the following lease on June 11, 1730. June 8, 1730 from Peter
Carrico of Charles County, planter, to Abel Carrico of Charles
County, planter, the lease of a part of a tract of land called
Maidenstone, as he has in possession and has made improvements upon
said land, containing about 40a. This lease starts next Nov 1, and
runs for 21 years. Abel Carrico may not have more than 1 person
besides his own family for a crop of corn of tobacco, upon sd land.
Abel Carrico shall not waste timber. Abel Carrico shall build what
houses he has occasion of during sd term, at his own cost. The yearly
rend is 500 lbs. of tobacco and case. Signed: Peter Carrico
Witnesses: Jno Briscoe & Jno Howard

3. Charles County, Maryland Land Records, (1761-1765) Book L#3, page
76, page 580. August 18, 1764 from Peter Carico (Carrico), Sr. of
Charles County to Samuel Hanson of Charles County, merchant, for
10,170 lbs. of crop tobacco, a tract of land in Charles County called
the Maid Stone bounded by Thomas Hunt's land called Hunts Venture,
thence to a parcel of land called Canterbury, a bounded white oak of
Robert Gates's, containing about 100a. If however, sd Peter Carico Sr
pays sd Samuel Hanson, the afd tobacoo with leagel interest from
today, in three equal payments, the first payment by May 21, 1765,
the second by May 21, 1766 and the third by May 21, 1767 then this
deed to be void. Signed: Peter Carrico Witnessed: Richd Harrison,
Josias Hawkins, Margaret, the wife of the sd Peter, released her
rights of dower. Recorded January 9, 1765.

Peter's will (see copy below) was signed April 14, 1764 and was
probated in Charles County, Maryland on October 18, 1765. In his will
he named his wife, Margaret, and five sons. It was customary in
colonial wills to name children in the order of their birth. This has
allowed an approximation of birth dates, based on the customs of the
times and the birthdate of Thomas Ignatius, which was given as 1741
in the 1776 census of Prince Georges County, maryland. This census
gave the age of both Thomas Ignatius and his wife, Elizabeth, as
thirty-five (35) years.

The will of Peter Carrico reads as follows: "In the name of God Amen.
The 14th day of April, I, Peter Carrico of Charles County, Planter,
in the province of Maryland being in health and of sound mind and
perfect memory, Thanks be to almighty God for it, and calling to
remembrance to uncertain state of this transitory life, and that all
flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call; Do make
constitute and ordain and declare this to be my last will and
testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by
these presents all and every testament, will and wills heretofore by
me made; and declared either by word or writing, and this to be taken
only for my last will and testament and none other, and first being
penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past and
most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my
soul unto Almighty God my Savior and Redeemer in whom and by the
merits of Jesus Christ I believe and trust assuredly to be saved, and
to have remission and forgiveness for all my sins and that my soul
with my body at the general resurrection shall rise again with joy
and through the merits of Christ's death and passion possess and
inherit the kingdom of Heaven prepared for His elect and chosen, and
my body to be buried in such place and where it shall please my
friends hereafter named to appoint --- My loving wife Margaret, my
loving son John, my loving son Thomas Ignatius, my loving son James,
my loving son Bartholomew, my loving son Bazzil --- Item - I give and
bequeath unto my wife Margaret Carrico all the tract of land called
Maidstone, during her natural life and when she is dead to be equally
divided among my four sons - that is to sat, John, Thomas Ignatius,
Bartholomew and Bazzil --- Item - I give and bequeath to my loving
wife Margaret a tract of land called Carrico Hope during her natural
lfe and when she is dead to my loving son James.

In Witness hereto I have set my hand and fixed my seal, this the 14th
day of April in the year of our Lord 1764. Signed: Peter Gates

(Seal) Witnesses: John Gates and John Armstrong

On the 18th of April, 1765, came John Gates and made oath on the holy
Evangels of Almighty God, that he saw Peter Carrico, testator, sign
and seal the written will and heard him publish and declare it to be
his last Will and Testament and at the time of his so doing he was to
the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory
and that he together with James Armstrong the other witness severally
subscribed as witnesses to the said Will int he presence of the
Testator and at his request. Signed: D. Jenifer, D.Co.
Birth Date23 Jul 1690
Birth PlaceMaryland
FatherRobert Gates , M
MotherDorothy ? , F
Marr Date1720
Marr PlaceCharles County, Maryland
ChildrenPeter , M (1722-)
Birth Date1720
Birth PlaceCharles County, Maryland
MotherJaynet Boarman , F
Marr Date1738
Marr PlaceCharles County, Maryland
ChildrenJohn , M (1739-)
 Thomas Ignatius , M (1741-)
 James , M (>1743-1799)
 Bartholomew , M (1745-~1823)
 Bazzil , M (>1745-)
Last Modified 22 Oct 2000Created 5 Jul 2012 using Reunion for Macintosh