Birth PlaceAustria - Hungary
Death PlaceCrown Point, Lake County, Indiana
Death MemoArterio Sclerotic heart disease, Local No.: 122 State No. 12314, Crown Point Rural; R.R. 5 Box 242, Not inside city limits; not on a farm; lived 29 years in city, not , necessarily at address, , Steve Soohey; widowed; age 85, , Occupation: Retired Steel Worker; kind of industry-sheet and tin , mills; never in U.S. armed forces., , Signed by local health officer 4-15-1957., , Birthplace Austria; citizen of U.S.A, Father's name: Andy Soohey; mother's unknown., , Informant: Mrs. Russil Ogan [Veronica Frances], R.R. 5 Box 242, Crown , Point, , Interval between onset and death: 10 years, , Attended from 7-1-1954 to 4-10-1957 and last saw alive on 4-10-1957. , Death occurred at 12:30pm. Signed: Raymond Doherty, M.D. R.R.5 Crwon , Point 4-1-1957
Burial PlaceCalumet Park Cemetery, Gary, Lake County, Indiana