NameKatherine Magdalene Soohey 206, F
Birth Date15 Nov 1912
Birth PlaceUnion Town, Fayette County, Pennsylvania
Death Date16 Jan 2004207 Age: 91
Death PlaceMerrillville, Lake County, Indiana
FatherStephanum "Steve" Soohey , M (1871-1957)
MotherJohanna ("Anna") Kampcik , F (1880-1934)
Misc. Notes
Suchi, Suey, Suckey, Suchey
Birth Date9 May 1903
Birth PlaceGelsenkirchen, Germany
Death Date15 Oct 1982 Age: 79
Death PlaceMerrillville, Lake County, Indiana
Death MemoCardiac and respiratory arrest; gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, M, Local No. 1660-82 Other: 82-035958, , Paul Berkau M DOD October 15, 1982, White 79 DOB May 9, 1903 Cty of Death Lake, , Merrillville, Methodist Hospital Southlake Campus, Inpatient, Born Germany; citizen of U.S.A.; Married; Katherine Soohey; never in , U.S. armed forces., , SS# 317-42-8214; Occupation: fireman - retired; Gary Fire Department, Resided: Indiana; Lake; Merrillville; 7317 Noble Street; inside city , limits, , Parents: Frederick Berkau, Charlotte Unknown, , Informant: Katherine [Soohey] Berkau, wife; 7317 Noble Street, , Merrillville, Indiana 46410, , Burial - see Burial information, , Hour of death: 3:55am; 1 day between onsent of hemorrhage and death; , arrest acute; signed Raymond Doherty, M.D.
Death Date15 Oct 1982 Age: 79
Death PlaceMerrillville, Lake County, Indiana
Death MemoCardiac and respiratory arrest; gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, M, , Local No. 1660-82 Other: 82-035958, , Paul Berkau M DOD Octob, er 15, 1982, White 79 DOB May 9, 1903 Cty of Death Lake, , Merri, llville, Methodist Hospital Southlake Campus, Inpatient, Born Ge, rmany; citizen of U.S.A.; Married; Katherine Soohey; never i, n , U.S. armed forces., , SS# 317-42-8214; Occupation: firema, n - retired; Gary Fire Department, Resided: Indiana; Lake; Merri, llville; 7
FatherFrederick W. Berkau , M (1876-1953)
MotherCharlotte Bogumil , F (1882-1961)
Marr Date1935
Marr PlaceGary, Lake County, Indiana
ChildrenCharlotte Joanne , F (1936-1936)
 Sandra Kay , F (1941-1999)
Last Modified 4 Nov 2009Created 5 Jul 2012 using Reunion for Macintosh