NameThomas Mudd (2) 443,444, M
Birth Date1707
Birth PlaceCharles County, Maryland
Death Date1761 Age: 54
Death Memo(25 May1761/12 Aug1761), , He was mentioned in his mother's will dated 5-25-1761, TMF of US
Death Date1761 Age: 54
Death Memo(25 May1761/12 Aug1761), , He was mentioned in his mother's wil, l dated 5-25-1761, TMF of US
Misc. Notes
Inherited "Boarman's Reserve"
Wills L. AO#5, f. 206, Ref 46 L31 Chas Co. Wills, f. 482-3
Birth Dateaft 1704
Death Datebef 27 Feb 1760 Age: 56
Death MemoPer TMF of US, As Thomas Mudd (ABA) did not refer to wife in will , dated 27 February 1760 she would have been deceased at that time.
Death Datebef 27 Feb 1760 Age: 56
Death MemoPer TMF of US, As Thomas Mudd (ABA) did not refer to wife in wil, l , dated 27 February 1760 she would have been deceased at tha, t time.
Marr Datebef 1730
Marr PlaceCharles County, Maryland
Marr MemoHe married Ann Gardiner Abt. 1728 in Warburton Manor, Piscataway, , PGC, MD. ??